Namaste literally translates as "the light within me acknowledges the light within you." A simple gesture and statement, sometimes finding our own light can seem daunting when our mind tells us otherwise.
Marianne Williamson says it well in her book "A Return to Love"
-'We get in life that which we focus on. Continual focus on darkness leads us as individuals and as a society, further into darkness. Focus on the light brings us into the light.
"I accept the Christ* (light) within" means, " I accept the beauty within me as who I really am. I am not my weakness. I am not my anger. I am not my small mindedness. I am much, much more. And I am willing to be reminded of who I really am."-
By focusing on our lightness and the truth of who we really are, true happiness and peace are abundant and available to all of us. We are all pure and perfect at the core of our being and by recognizing this essence we all have a unique opportunity to realize something truly beautiful, devoid of what are mind is telling us and what the world tries to dictate.
Yoga for accepting and embracing the lightness within you-
Sit in a comfortable seat and place the right hand on the energetic center of your heart (anahata chakra) place the left hand over the right. Close your eyes and breath into your heart center. Finding love and compassion for yourself is the key to happiness.
*Christ in this context refers to the light within us and does not denote a religious connotation.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Forgive to Live

Forgiveness is a heavy word...not just for the implication of what it means, but for the energy that is usually surrounding it. I had a dear friend who I had lost touch with recently say to me...."thank you for forgiving me".... for events that had transpired years and years ago. I stepped back for a moment when I heard this and thought about it. Yes, we had not spoken in many years (at least in the way this conversation developed) but forgiveness now???? I hadn't really thought about it in so long, because I had forgiven this person ages ago.
So why was it so important for me or for anyone to forgive? Especially, when there is no guarantee or even hope that you will ever see or speak to someone again in your life! I believe forgiveness is a path to freedom. We have all have witnessed people in our own lives that literally spend a majority of their time holding grudges against people who have done them wrong and have literally wasted their energy feeling bad about something that happened in the past. I am not proposing that you ignore your emotional process, but why hate, despise and fester when the only person that it is holding back and hurting is you???
I realized this many years ago after my life dramatically changed and my reality became something completely new and different. My new reality was born out of heart ache and I went through my emotional process, I immediately realized that the only person that was being hurt by not forgiving was ME! You see, the other parties don't ever feel your much as we would like them too, not so much. You are the only one who feels your pain....and the grudges and the unless you have magical powers, put away your voodoo doll.
What's not to forgive?...we are all human and all make mistakes, some bigger than others. The important thing is that we are sentient beings with the ability to learn from our mistakes (and other people's), forgive the pain that we have been dealt and to truly be free to LIVE an abundant and joyful life. Do whatever you need to do to get there....forgive yourself, forgive someone else, and you will find that you be truly LIVING, happy and free.
Find some compassion...try Supta Baddha Konasana to connect with anahata chakra (the heart center) and release tension and anger in the hips....a perfect pose to open yourself up to forgiveness.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My grandfather past away this last year and I have written about him when I was getting my morning coffee before I went in to teach my Wednesday morning class, I was thinking about his fantastic optimistic attitude. Whenever anyone asked him how he was, he always shouted with resounding joy, "GREAT!" Just like Tony the Tiger. In his later years, with failing health, he perpetuated this sentiment when he could no longer knocking his large knuckles on a table...his new symbol of "Great!"
I reminisce about this for several see, living with an optimistic and positive focus in life can considerably change everything around you. My grandfather was faced with adversity throughout his life, as well as, great abundance. Regardless of what he was faced with at any given time, he was always "Great!"
If you were to just start your day feeling great and shifting your focus to even say that you are great, maybe, just maybe you will feel great and then everything seems to fall into place. Depending on your beliefs, we only have this one life to live so why not make the best out of every moment....let go of what holds you back, forgive, be free, live with compassion and make a difference....even if only for yourself! Great things will come!
I reminisce about this for several see, living with an optimistic and positive focus in life can considerably change everything around you. My grandfather was faced with adversity throughout his life, as well as, great abundance. Regardless of what he was faced with at any given time, he was always "Great!"
If you were to just start your day feeling great and shifting your focus to even say that you are great, maybe, just maybe you will feel great and then everything seems to fall into place. Depending on your beliefs, we only have this one life to live so why not make the best out of every moment....let go of what holds you back, forgive, be free, live with compassion and make a difference....even if only for yourself! Great things will come!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Notes on a Scandal....
Today, I am grateful that the universe ejects things out of my life that distract me from my goals, purpose and desires....Tracy Matthews
Yes, I just quoted myself....hilarious. I talk about the shedding and releasing of old patterns here and in my yoga classes all of the time....sometimes this wisdom is VERY difficult to put into practice while you are in any given situation. I am REALLY hard on myself most of the time...but also extremely compassionate. Today when I was teaching, frustrated that my iPod was being temperamental....I felt as if I was losing it...just for a sec...and after calming down realized that this was all in relation to some outside frustration, resistance to surrender and a rebirth that has been happening within me. You see, the universe keeps reminding me of my old patterns and my desires to seek what is comfortable rather than what I truly want.
So, after a second of collecting myself, I went inside myself and although I forgot all of the profound things I was going to say to the students, I ended up teaching a great class....and offered my blessing and offering of gratitude to them...I am grateful today that the universe ejects things out of my life that distract me from my goals, purpose and desires (bruised ego and all). I ended class with a round of kapalabhati breathing or cleansing breath to clear the mind and cleanse the soul.
I have learned my lesson....thank you for sharing....time to move on!
Yes, I just quoted myself....hilarious. I talk about the shedding and releasing of old patterns here and in my yoga classes all of the time....sometimes this wisdom is VERY difficult to put into practice while you are in any given situation. I am REALLY hard on myself most of the time...but also extremely compassionate. Today when I was teaching, frustrated that my iPod was being temperamental....I felt as if I was losing it...just for a sec...and after calming down realized that this was all in relation to some outside frustration, resistance to surrender and a rebirth that has been happening within me. You see, the universe keeps reminding me of my old patterns and my desires to seek what is comfortable rather than what I truly want.
So, after a second of collecting myself, I went inside myself and although I forgot all of the profound things I was going to say to the students, I ended up teaching a great class....and offered my blessing and offering of gratitude to them...I am grateful today that the universe ejects things out of my life that distract me from my goals, purpose and desires (bruised ego and all). I ended class with a round of kapalabhati breathing or cleansing breath to clear the mind and cleanse the soul.
I have learned my lesson....thank you for sharing....time to move on!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Interview with Tracy Matthews

I was just interviewed for the max and chloe website....thought I would share it with you....
Have you always wanted to design things?
I can’t say always…..but when I was a little girl I used to draw all of the time and thought that I wanted to design wedding dresses. I found my passion for jewelry design when I was in my early 20’s in college after taking a jewelry fabrication class.
How did you decide to become a jewelry designer?
How did you decide to become a jewelry designer?
Once I realized I had some talent (see above question), my jewelry instructor at LMU began mentoring me, so to speak. I quickly began selling my jewelry to friends and family and decided that this was my passion and dream.
What is your favorite creation?
What is your favorite creation?
Currently, my rose-cut cocktail rings….although every season it differs. The most classic and longstanding designs that I have designed are my collection of hoop earrings. Most are simple and basic, but they are so wearable….I wear hoops every day.
How would you describe your jewelry?
How would you describe your jewelry?
Delicate and personal! I am inspired by nature, vintage jewelry and art, but a lot of my ideas come out of my yoga teaching and practice. Strange things happen when you are fueling creative energy. My hope is that clients collect my jewelry. My friends and regulars still wear jewelry from my first collections (over 9 years ago) usually layered with pieces from the newest collections.
How did you get started?
How did you get started?
After college, I moved from LA to San Francisco….and put my desire to start my business on hold for a bit. With the encouragement of friends and family, I had made a decision that I wanted to design jewelry full time and one day quit my job in retail and created my first collection. Within a few months, I was in several stores and hired my first employee…that was 9 years ago.
Who do you admire?
Who do you admire?
Has this helped you in your career path? There are so many people that I admire that it is difficult to choose one…people like Ghandi and Audrey Hepburn have always inspired me….but on a more intimate level…I think I have always been inspired by my grandparents for many reasons. Mainly because my grandmother was the person who ran the ship in my mother’s household (she had 12 children who then spawned 55 grandchildren and too many great grand children to count) and my grandfather started a restaurant empire with nothing more than a 8th grade education. In addition, they were people of great faith, charity and conviction. They lived their lives in alignment with their values which I feel is something that is faltering in our society. Although my beliefs are different than theirs, I would like to think that these fundamental values are things that I aspire to as an entrepreneur, business owner, yoga instructor and someone who believes in the importance of giving back to society.
Have you ever expressed yourself through another path apart from jewelry design?
Have you ever expressed yourself through another path apart from jewelry design?
Yes, I am also a yoga instructor (currently at Equinox Fitness in NYC) and for me this is a true expression of creativity on a fundamental level. I love inspiring people. The expansion of personal growth that I have experienced is beyond words and I just hope that I can motivate my student to find that type of growth and creativity in themselves. I also write a blog that was originally supposed to be about jewelry and things going on at TMD…but has definitely turned into something else. It was recently picked up by a fantastic website that mentors and inspires women called You can view my blog at
Where did you grow up? Where did you go to college, and what did you study?
Where did you grow up? Where did you go to college, and what did you study?
I grew up in the “OC” (Newport Beach, California)! Most people would never guess by meeting me. I received a BA in European Studies, Cum Laude, from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
Can you describe your favorite piece of jewelry from your childhood?
Can you describe your favorite piece of jewelry from your childhood?
Anything in my mothers jewelry box….but when I was older, my Laurel Birch enamel earrings….so strange since I don’t even know if she is around anymore…but loved, loved them in the 6th grade.
Where do you travel to?
Where do you travel to?
Anywhere that I can….India, Mexico, New Zealand, Hawaii, South America, Europe (all over) and Sun Valley, ID! I am going to Buenos Aires in December and cannot wait!
What inspires you in everyday life?
What inspires you in everyday life?
There are so many things that inspire me…so I will list them…My sister, Carlie (she works with me), and my friends. They are a great support system, always keep me on path and grounded when I waver and have the best advice when I am stuck.
My Yoga Practice…I have been practicing yoga for 13 years and teaching for 5….it brings me so much joy and I always feel better after…no matter what.
Gratitude….I try to be grateful every day for what I have…because often times things don’t go our way, and it is really easy to get stuck in a slump….and I am not saying that I never get stuck there…I just prefer to celebrate the fantastic things in my life…
Music, laughter and dancing….I walk to work everyday with my iPod on usually singing out loud and dancing….and then I laugh at myself when people look at me funny!
What is the most important thing you have learned about who you are since you've started to pursue your dream of designing jewelry?
My Yoga Practice…I have been practicing yoga for 13 years and teaching for 5….it brings me so much joy and I always feel better after…no matter what.
Gratitude….I try to be grateful every day for what I have…because often times things don’t go our way, and it is really easy to get stuck in a slump….and I am not saying that I never get stuck there…I just prefer to celebrate the fantastic things in my life…
Music, laughter and dancing….I walk to work everyday with my iPod on usually singing out loud and dancing….and then I laugh at myself when people look at me funny!
What is the most important thing you have learned about who you are since you've started to pursue your dream of designing jewelry?
I have learned that “I am who I am” and not what the market indicates. I do not design “Fashion Jewelry” as translated by the fashion market. My jewelry is collectible, personal and delicate and I decided to stop trying to be something different than that.
How would you describe your ideal jewelry?
How would you describe your ideal jewelry?
Layers and layers of necklaces….delicate, simple and easy.
What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
Besides the pieces that I have that were once my mothers, vintage or ethnic (purchased on my travels)…..My recycled gold and rose-cut diamond necklace from my fine jewelry collection and Hoops…I have at least 20 pairs and have designed at least 50 styles of hoops since I started my business.
What is your favorite trend?
What is your favorite trend?
My own personal style…not a trend but I just said that I don’t design “trend” jewelry
What do you hope to accomplish as a jewelry designer?
Long term, I hope to develop a business that has a standard practice of giving back to communities and charities. I am moving my company in an ethical direction, developing my line from sustainable and fair trade materials and resources. I also hope to merge my worlds as yoga instructor, philanthropist and designer into something bigger than just being a company that sells jewelry.
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