Thursday, August 7, 2008

Notes on a Scandal....

Today, I am grateful that the universe ejects things out of my life that distract me from my goals, purpose and desires....Tracy Matthews

Yes, I just quoted myself....hilarious. I talk about the shedding and releasing of old patterns here and in my yoga classes all of the time....sometimes this wisdom is VERY difficult to put into practice while you are in any given situation. I am REALLY hard on myself most of the time...but also extremely compassionate. Today when I was teaching, frustrated that my iPod was being temperamental....I felt as if I was losing it...just for a sec...and after calming down realized that this was all in relation to some outside frustration, resistance to surrender and a rebirth that has been happening within me. You see, the universe keeps reminding me of my old patterns and my desires to seek what is comfortable rather than what I truly want.

So, after a second of collecting myself, I went inside myself and although I forgot all of the profound things I was going to say to the students, I ended up teaching a great class....and offered my blessing and offering of gratitude to them...I am grateful today that the universe ejects things out of my life that distract me from my goals, purpose and desires (bruised ego and all). I ended class with a round of kapalabhati breathing or cleansing breath to clear the mind and cleanse the soul.

I have learned my lesson....thank you for sharing....time to move on!


Life Pathways said...

Tracy I just read your blog and it is exactly what I needed. My Universe is not behaving as I would like but have faith that it going to take me on a wonder trip.

Tracy Matthews Designs, Inc. said...

ana I am so glad this was useful for you! its coming real soon!