Its been great!- I have had the pleasure of teaching a ton of yoga classes over the past few weeks. This morning I taught an early morning class with a mixed level of beautiful students. I was sheer fun...even at the crack of dawn practically...
One of the students gave me a big hug and it really made my day! Hugs all around today...it feels great.
Here is my teaching schedule so far for the next 2 weeks:
all at various Equinox locations in NYC
Wednesday, March 12, 7:30 to 8:30 am 50th and Broadway
Friday, March 14, 7 am to 8 am Soho
Wednesday, March 19, 8 am to 9 am, Chelsea
Saturday, March 22, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, 63rd and Lex
Sunday, March 23, 11 am 12 pm, 54th and 2nd
then my vacation starts...returning April 8th
April 11, 8am to 9 am, Greenwich ave
and more dates to come....thanks for coming to class...can't wait to give you a big HUG!
(picture of me and several of my nieces and a nephew in an embrace- just want to squeeze them!)
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